Friday, April 24

Write it Down!

It's funny how the simple act of writing things down makes us more self aware of our actions, makes us feel like we're being held accountable, and keeps us focused.

Last night I decided that this summer I'm going to make the best of my time. I got out my journal, which I haven't touched in years, and wrote out a list of things I want to do this weekend, then I made another list of things I wanted to accomplish this coming week, and a third list of goals I want to achieve over the next month. It's a great way to feel like you have structure and is less overwhelming than carrying all of the ideas in your head.

What is important to remember is that you need to set realistic goals and give yourself a realistic amount of time to accomplish them. And break down one big goal into smaller goals. If your goal is to be able to run a 10k race, start with making the commitment to go for a 30 minute jog (or walk- depending on where you're starting from) this weekend. Maybe make getting a new pair of sneakers a goal too! Anything that will get you to the end result that you're looking for.

Keep your list simple, clear, and focus only on the time period you're in. I'm not thinking about what I need to do next week right now- I'm thinking about what I want to accomplish this weekend, and when this weekend's over I'll only focus on next week's set of goals, and so on.

We're suppose to have a beautiful weekend this weekend! Hopefully the sunshine will encourage everyone to get up off their butts and into a healthy routine to get fit :)

Thursday, April 23

Personal Trainer Experience

I'm a firm believer that if you hire a personal trainer, each session should be the best part of your day! At times the idea of working out can be tough, especially in the very beginning, so the trainer you choose should be able to show you ways to make exercise fun and enjoyable, as well as safe and effective.

With the nice weather upon us I feel that encouraging people to workout outside is important! The fresh air and natural light does the body good :) And there are many different workouts that can be done around your yard or at a local park. Don't think that you need to be confined to a gym or your home to do exercise! Hiring a trainer can help you find new and innovative ways to get that body toned and increase your level of fitness. Try spicing things up a bit and use the natural elements around you as your equipment, or get to the park with your kids and try to incorporate good old fashion play time into your regime.

I went for my first jog outside over the weekend and it felt so good! That is why I wanted to talk about getting outdoors now and again for exercise. I was pretty concerned about my ankle, which has given me nothing but grief for months, but it didn't bother me too much so hopefully I'll be able to make it a weekly occurrence. I need to keep myself busy over the next few months, so will be setting some new goals and focusing on training more than ever! I want to make this summer great for myself, and for you!
Let's make this summer YOUR summer to shine, together :) Now who's with me!?

Tuesday, April 21

Motivate Me

Today I need some external motivation. We all do sometimes, right? So I was looking on line for some words to lift my spirits and here are a few I liked:

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature. - Helen Keller

"Quit now, you'll never make it.
If you disregard this advice,
you'll be halfway there."
David Zucker

The greatest waste in the world is the difference between
what we are and what we could become.

Treat life like a toaster- when you get pushed down, pop right back up.

“The greatest failure is the failure to try.”
William A Ward

"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."
~ Earl Nightingale

"Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top ups."
~ Peter Davie

There are SO many great quotes out there. Some people are just so great with words. When I'm feeling off, I sometimes just take time out of my day to read positive quotes to help me get back in the right mindset. Technology makes it quick and easy to get out of a slump once in awhile.

If anyone else knows of any great quotes, feel free to leave your comments! I'd love to hear them :)

Sunday, April 19

One Of My Favorites

In almost every class I teach, I get my participants to perform push ups. The push up is probably my favorite upper body exercise and there are so many different variations to choose from.

The standard push up is performed with hands positioned just slightly wider than the shoulders. As you lower, let the elbows flare out to the sides slightly. You can also do a wide push up with your hands quite far apart, or tricep push ups where your hands are directly under your shoulders and elbows stay tight into your side as you lower. You can increase the intensity of a push up by playing around with different hand positions, incorporating an bench or chair to put your feet up onto, or add a stability challenge by performing them with your hands on a bosu or stability ball. The possibilities are endless!!

The main reason I love this exercise, other than the fact that there are so many ways to perform them, would be because it targets more muscles than almost any other upper body exercise, and therefore burns more calories. A push up works your chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders, upper back, and your entire core. You can increase the load on certain areas by performing the push up in different ways.

I know a lot of women perform push ups on their knees, and it's rare for them to even attempt a push up on their toes. In my classes I always, always, tell everyone to go onto their toes unless they have an injury. Even if you can just do one, it's better than none, and it will help you to build enough strength to perform more. Also, if you're doing knee push ups, keep your feet on the floor! Elevating them will eliminate much of the strengthening benefits.

Here is a site where technique is described and there are pictures as well:

Note that you are to exhale on the up phase and inhale down. Good technique is extremely important with this exercise so be careful, but challenge yourself and get up there on those toes ladies!!!