Tuesday, November 8

Feeling Good!

Did an hour of yoga today at The Yoga Room and then taught BFit, which is an intense cardio workout! The two in the same day are perfect :) I get my zen-like, deep, slow breathing, relaxed experience...and my sweaty, hard-to-breathe, muscles-BURNING experience. I love them both, and they make my day wonderful!

The weather was beautiful on the island today. I parked far away from The Yoga Room so I could enjoy the 10 minute walk before and after class. The air felt exceptional and helped me get into a "calm" frame of mind before class, and helped it linger on the way back to my car. Then it was off to get groceries, make lunch (a healthy tuna salad) and get ready for my following 3 classes :)

I hope all of you enjoyed your day and got some exercise in! Remember, doing something everyday will help you live better, and longer. Just be wise about what you do, when you do it, and how you do it.



  1. I strength train 5 days a week and have often thought about trying Yoga. Need to get that Zen feeling you speak of. I do get it on heavy training days.


  2. Hey! I highly recommend adding yoga to any fitness regime. I had great mind/body awareness before just from training, but yoga has taken me to a whole new level. I take the time to reflect and breathe and enjoy my surroundings more. And I stress out less! This is after only 8 weeks!! I am really going to try to make it a permanent part of my life. Finding a good teacher makes a big difference though, not all yoga classes are created equal :P

    Thanks for reading!
