Saturday, February 21

Brit's Tip:

Doing the same old workout routine every week will not only get boring, it'll stop being effective. Change something in your routine at least every 4-6 weeks so you don't plateau and to keep yourself interested and motivated to continue.

If you are always on the treadmill for your cardio, switch it up every once in awhile by using another cardio machine like the bike or, one of my favorites, the arc trainer. The muscles that are recruited during a cardio workout are different depending on the machine- so add some variety!

The same goes for strength training and flexibilty training. If you're constantly using dumbells, grab a medicine ball or some resistance bands. Find out some new ways to stretch or grab a partner and do some partner stretching once in awhile.

Strive to do things you're not efficient at, as weird as that might sound. You want to wake up your body and make it learn new things, keep it guessing and you'll be FAR less likely to ever hit a plateau!

Friday, February 20

I frequently receive newsletters from different health and fitness organizations and I'd like to share part of one I got today:

Self motivation requires you to be aware and highly focused on the results that you want to achieve. It requires visualization and affirmation on a daily basis, if not multiple times during the day. Self motivation requires discipline - that commitment to do whatever it is that has to be done, even when you do not want to do it. Self motivation is your internal drive towards success.

I agree with this 100% and it's truly the key to reaching your goals. It's not always easy, and truth be told I struggle now again with staying motivated myself when things get tough. It's easy to skip a workout with the excuse of being too busy or too stressed. BUT, it is proven, scientifically!, that exercise helps reduce stress and keeps you energized and able to take on the world! (or just about). AND you're much less likely to become sick or disabled if you work out regularly. Face it, we have to either find time to get fit, or be forced to find time to be sick.

I can help keep you motivated by helping you reach your health and fitness goals faster, but ultimately it has to come within yourself. No one can want it more than you.

When I'm having a hard time getting the energy to go for a workout, I simply think of it this way, "I have never once, ever, regretted doing a workout in the 3 years I've been active - I have, every time, regretted skipping a working out" That always gets me off my butt and into my gym clothes :)

Thursday, February 19

Move more today

Start now! Today! You don't have to get in touch with me right away for a full blown lifestyle makeover (that only works if you're ready to really commit), just start moving more! Park further away from the grocery store, carry your groceries to your car rather than carting them, when you can, and take the stairs- again and again. The more you move, the healthier you will become.

Get a pedometer and start keeping track of your steps. Set a goal to reach the 10,000 step mark (which is said to mean you are considered "active"). Walk with a buddy or family member, get an ipod or mp3 player and download some of your favorite tunes, or just get out there and enjoy some peace and quiet.

PS: Make sure to be safe! When walking outside, walk against traffic so you see what's coming, wear reflective clothes when you're out at night, and use the sidewalk when you can.

Wednesday, February 18


Sorry this tip is coming to yas so late- it's just been one of those days! *smiles*

I was at the Stratford Town Hall today to workout, and there was a man there who inspired today's tip. He stood beside me and was doing bicep curls with about 35lbs and let me tell ya, his biceps were barely getting any of the work done.

The poor man was using momentum to swing the dumbells up and down. His elbows were moving forward and back and after about his third rep he was swinging the weight so hard he was coming off his heels onto his toes. I'm surprised he didn't fall over! Now, I'm not trying to be mean, but this is why it's so important to educate yourselves on how to preform an exercise properly so the appropriate muscle is working, and so you don't get injured!

When preforming a bicep curl, you first need to keep your elbows in place at your sides, and your upper arm shouldn't move. Second, you need to set your shoulder girdle. Everyone raise your shoulders up towards your ears, now draw them back and your shoulder blades together, then drop them down. This is how you set your shoulder girdle and is the proper form you should be in for pretty much every single exercise.

Setting the shoulder girdle will produce a much greater contraction in the muscle you are working! Don't believe me? It sounds like such a simple thing but go grab a weight or heavy-ish object around you and try doing a bicep curl as you normally would, then set your shoulder girdle as I explained above and feel the difference.

So that's the proper form for your shoulders and arms; the form for the rest of the body is pretty straight forward; stand with a slight bend in the knees to support your lower back and engage your abdominals. Exhale as you bring the weight up, inhale on the way down and don't lock your elbow at the bottom, keep a slight bend to protect your joints.

Remember, quality over quantity. If you find yourself using a lot of momentum to preform an exercise, be kind to your body and pick a lighter weight.

I'll make sure tomorrow's tip comes earlier! Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, February 17

Go bananas!!

One of my favorite fruits is the banana. I actually didn't eat them until I started getting into running; my jogging buddy would always refer to them as "the runner's fuel" and I got hooked. But, bananas are not just for runners or elite athletes (although it is usually the #1 favorite fruit among them due to the instant source of energy), the health benefits of a banana are beneficial to all of us!

Banana's are high in fiber, vitamin C and B6, and an excellent source of magnesium and potassium (which helps regulate blood pressure and is also essential to help muscle contraction and reduces muscle soreness). A medium-sized banana has about 11% of your daily potassium requirement, 110 calories, and 4 grams of fiber!!

And, if that's not enough, bananas are known throughout the health industry as the "good mood food", since the serotonin and norepinephrine they contain has been shown to naturally help people overcome depression.

Plus, they're easy to digest and taste great! Try eating a banana the next time you have a sugar craving. The natural sugars will most likely give you the sweet fix you're looking for and is, obviously, a way healthier option than many of the alternatives.

That's my tip for the day!

Monday, February 16

Get your running shoes on!

It's been proven that people who run regularly live longer, and better, than those who do not. I recently read about a study that was done over a period of about 20 years where they tracked hundreds of runners. The results showed that the runners lived quite a bit longer, and were less likely to become disabled, than those of equal age, weight, and health status who did not run.

So, now that you have this information, give some thought to joining me in the next PEI Roadrunner's Race which is on March 15th! It's a 5km fun run and a great way to get started. If you're new to running and want someone to help train you for the race, email me- I'd love to be your running buddy :)