Friday, February 20

I frequently receive newsletters from different health and fitness organizations and I'd like to share part of one I got today:

Self motivation requires you to be aware and highly focused on the results that you want to achieve. It requires visualization and affirmation on a daily basis, if not multiple times during the day. Self motivation requires discipline - that commitment to do whatever it is that has to be done, even when you do not want to do it. Self motivation is your internal drive towards success.

I agree with this 100% and it's truly the key to reaching your goals. It's not always easy, and truth be told I struggle now again with staying motivated myself when things get tough. It's easy to skip a workout with the excuse of being too busy or too stressed. BUT, it is proven, scientifically!, that exercise helps reduce stress and keeps you energized and able to take on the world! (or just about). AND you're much less likely to become sick or disabled if you work out regularly. Face it, we have to either find time to get fit, or be forced to find time to be sick.

I can help keep you motivated by helping you reach your health and fitness goals faster, but ultimately it has to come within yourself. No one can want it more than you.

When I'm having a hard time getting the energy to go for a workout, I simply think of it this way, "I have never once, ever, regretted doing a workout in the 3 years I've been active - I have, every time, regretted skipping a working out" That always gets me off my butt and into my gym clothes :)

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