Tuesday, February 24

Groove while you move

I'm trying to get my body conditioned to be able to start running again (I'm suffering with an ankle injury that I got while training for the BlueNose Marathon 2yrs ago) and I've been just using the treadmill at the gym as a means of getting started.

Running on a treadmill is much different than running outside (I'll talk about that in more detail another day) and it's the outdoor runs that I truly love. I've been so bored during my treadmill workouts that each minute seems like an hour! Well, I just recently found the MP3 player I ran the marathon with and it has about 75 of my old favorite songs to run to on it. It made me remember the significant effect that music has on your mentality during any type of workout. The next time I got on the treadmill, armed with my thought-to-be-lost-forever MP3 player, it was the best run I've had in a long time.

Music can, and usually does, really encourage you to keep going during a workout. You may even find yourself extending your workout longer just so you can hear the next song! Even a tough workout won't seem so tough because the music provides a positive distraction from the stress you're putting on your body.

So if you don't already own one, get out there and get some type MP3 Player or IPod, put some of your favorite tunes on it, and get out there for your next workout!

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