Wednesday, March 11

Place Your Bets!

My dad once used money as a means of committing to a weight loss plan. He set aside a sum of money (a fairly large sum!), picked the weight he wanted to be at by a specified date, and swore he'd give the money to a certain someone he disliked if he didn't reach his goal. I thought he was crazy at the time, but I'm learning that this may actually be a good way for some people to keep on track and reach their goals.

When you make up a contract with some guidelines laid out, you might find yourself fighting a bit harder to keep on track, especially if there's money involved!

Perhaps make a contract that states you will walk every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning for one month, for example. Sign it, date it, and get a friend or someone you know will hold you accountable to sign it as your witness. Have a reward planned if you succeed, and some type of negative consequence (like donating money to the most hypocritical person/organization/politician you know) if you don't.

My only hesitation with something like this is that some people may take it too seriously, and may end up taking drastic and unhealthy measures to meet their goals. Some may also take "failing" too seriously and won't feel encouraged to try again if unable to stick to the original contract.

You need to be capable of being disciplined without being too hard on yourself, and able to pick yourself up and dust yourself off to start again if you fall off the wagon once in awhile.

Of course, I think the best way to begin a health and fitness plan is to get help from someone who knows what they're doing! I believe hiring a trainer to keep you from going in circles on your own, and to hold you accountable so you stay on track is the best way....I guess I'm bias, but hey, the proof is in the pudding!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brittany, I'm going to have to start charging you a commission if you keep using me as your example case study. ;-)

    Just so everyone knows I did sit down and do the math on what was obtainable as far as weight loss in the amount of time I set as my goal. And then to help with my motivation I picked someone who I did not want to get the money. Plus I told lots of supportive people who I new would be encouraging. Then for even more incentive I told some who would love it if I failed. At the time I really needed all the help I could get. It worked I lost a total of 45 lbs.
