Sunday, March 8


So I've registered for a cycling course next weekend and am super excited. I'm going to be certified to instruct spin classes! If you've never been to a spin class, you don't know what you're missing! It's an amazing workout and you walk out just drenched in sweat- I love it!

Spin classes are fantastic because they really work your cardiovascular system, strengthening your heart and lungs by aerobic and anaerobic training, and cycling is really easy on the joints. It's a great option for people that are looking for a low impact, high-calorie burning, and fun workout.

Cycling focuses mainly on the largest muscles of the lower body, which is why you get such a high calorie burn. Your body weight is supported by the seat so you're not putting all of that pressure on your knees and ankles, which is why it's considered to be low impact.

Even if you don't like to bike I recommend trying one of these classes. You might feel that the seats are too hard, but I know from experience that it only takes a class or two to condition your tush so it's able to take the abuse.

When you're in that group setting, with the energy of everyone around you and the music thumping, the intensity will drive you and keep you going back for more!

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