Friday, August 14

Don't Be A Victim

Paul Plakas is the personal trainer on the show 'X-Weighted' and has tons of knowledge and experience in the health and fitness industry. He's one of the reasons I wrote my entry about elliptical machines, which he's known for hating. Although he can seem a bit pompous at times, and I've seen him play a pretty mean drill sergeant role on 'X-Weighted', I really think he knows his stuff.

I've been having a bit of a rough time over the past several weeks, for personal reasons, and was unable to sleep last night so I decided to get online rather than continue to toss and turn. I jumped onto his website and read an article about self-pity and found myself nodding throughout in agreement with everything he said and felt in his own experiences. I can relate in so many ways. Not only have I had clients who were of that mindset, I've experienced it myself. After my ankle injury I felt frustrated and depressed that I couldn't run like I wanted to. I went through the "why me?" stage, and the "why bother?" stage. I'm still working on overcoming the drawbacks that I let myself endure, and this article helped big time.

We're our own worst enemy most of the time. It's true. I think everyone goes through self-doubt and self-pity at some point in their life. The goal is to get through it, quickly, before it does a lot of damage.

Check out the article on self-pity here.

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