Thursday, April 2

MmmmmMm Panini!

So I tried a panini for the first time this evening. YUM!

I was running a little late getting home and still had to stop off at Sobeys to grab something for supper. Having no interest in dirtying a bunch of dishes and making a big dinner, I went straight for the microwave dinner section. I'm not a fan of TV dinners; I find they are usually over processed, full of sodium and fat, and just don't compare to a healthy, natural, home cooked meal. But, I feel there are some that are fine for quick meals once in awhile.

I've had good luck with Lean Cuisine dinners in the past. The food is always reasonably yummy and from reading nutrition label after nutrition label, I think they have a good track record. So, I grabbed one of their panini dinners and headed home. I wasn't expecting it to be great, but man, YUM!

I got the chicken, spinach, and mushroom panini. It has 7g of fat, which I consider a lot, so that didn't thrill me, but at only 270 calories, 20g of protein, and 25% of your daily intake for calcium, I was content. This is definitely not a dinner I would recommend eating all of time though! The sodium, though not as high as I've seen, is still quite high for an everyday meal and there are way healthier meals you should try to consume regularly instead.

I would consider this to be a low-guilt treat :) If you're in a hurry, and you want something quick but justifiable, go ahead, grab one and enjoy!! I did!

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