Saturday, April 4

On The Spot

A lot of people ask me how to get rid of the jiggle under their arms, or the pouch around their belly. Everyone wants to be able to target one area and fix whatever they think is wrong with it and have that be that. Unfortunately, "spot training" is impossible.

When you exercise, your body pulls energy (calories) from all over your body to perform the task. If you are doing a bicep curl, the calories being burned may not be, and probably won't be, from the bicep. That's why spot training doesn't work. If you want to get rid of the jiggle under the arm, or the floppy belly, you'll have to work your entire body. I guarantee you that you will not see the results you want by simply doing crunches to slim that waistline!

When you work the entire body, you burn way more calories and slim down everywhere. Doing strength training exercises to build lean muscle tissue in the areas you want to have toned up is certainly important, but you can't blast fat away by only working one specific area. Get your whole body involved in cardio workouts as well as strength training, and then you will see the results you want.

On another note, I'm unbelievably excited to say that one of my clients has lost just over 25" as of today, and almost 12lbs. This is after training for about 2 months. She's an absolute success story, and I couldn't be more proud of her. She worked hard to get to this point, completely changed her habits, and stuck with it. I like to think she had fun too *smiles*

And, her results go to prove that you can't just use pounds or a scale to see the full picture. Judging your success by pounds alone will not show you the true results of your hard work. AND, women, it goes to prove that strength training does not make you bulk up!

I hope when you read my blog you find yourself more and more ready and able to make healthy changes in your life. Don't just read what I'm writing, listen to what I'm telling you and take charge! Take the next leap and do what you know you need to, whatever it may be. You CAN do it!


  1. Nice! Congrats to the client and much the same to the trainer, you!

    Always nice to hear these kind of things.

  2. Congrats Brytnii & Amanda!!! Great Teamwork!
