Monday, March 2

Diet Myth:

One diet myth I hear about all of the time is about how you are not suppose to eat 2 hours before bed. What you need to understand is this- calories in a day, are calories in a day, whether you have them in the morning, noon, or night.

Now, having a good breakfast will give your metabolism a bit of a boost, help you feel energized, and get your brain working. And eating throughout the day regularly every 2-3 hours will help keep your blood sugar levels in check as well as many other benefits, so, I do not recommend eating a ton of calories late at night. Don't use this tip as an excuse to eat extra calories in the evening, or to skip your snack in the afternoon so you can have it later before bed.

The question is this- if you're suppose to get 2,000 calories a day, and 8pm creeps up on you and you've only had 1,700 calories, would it be terrible for you to have a snack? The answer is- NO!! But don't make eating late a regular occurrence for the reasons I mentioned in the previous paragraph. You just need to make sure you're eating the right amount of food each day. I don't count calories and swear I never will, nor will I ever make a client of mine, but you should know approximately how much you're suppose to eat.

If you find yourself feeling hungry in the evening and you realize you missed your afternoon snack, or didn't have the right servings of a specific food group, there is no harm in eating after supper. Or, if you're like me and you have supper late, don't force yourself to stay awake later because you think your body will shut down and stop digesting as soon as you fall asleep. That's not how it works.

It's better to get your calories in when you can than not to. Depriving your body of calories or certain food groups, beyond what is recommended by a health professional for weight loss, will cause you more problems and can even cause you to plateau and stop losing weight (or worse, gain) because you're body is in a starvation mode.

If you are unsure about your diet, feel free to ask me some questions and I'll help you figure out the basics.

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