Tuesday, March 3

You don't need a gym!

Let me tell yas, when I got to grade 5-6 I started to become pretty unhealthy. As I entered Jr.High I slowly stopped being active, and became extremely insecure as I started to gain weight. Throughout grade 7-8 I wouldn't take off my jacket for the whole day.

When I got to high school, things really didn't improve much. My self-esteem was really low and I believed a lot of the negative things my internal dialogue was telling me.
Sad. I wasted a lot of years being unhappy.

Towards the end of high school, and then once out of high school, I started hanging around some new people and getting out more....not "out" as in active, just out to parties and such. Little bit by little bit I started to feel a bit better about myself and weight started to slowly come off me.

I met my first "serious" boyfriend a few months after school ended and the more I hung around him, the more I wanted to become healthier. Before our first Christmas together we decided we were going to take a trip down south. As soon as January hit I was into a workout routine and eating right. I dropped about 30lbs within a couple of months. Crazy fast. And you know what's even more crazy? I never stepped foot in a gym, and never had more than 8lb dumbbells.

I know what it's like to feel indimated by the gym setting, and to feel like everyone's watching you. I know how much it sucks getting on a cardio machine and sweating like a pig in front of a bunch of people you don't know, or how it feels like having a "stupid" sign on your forhead when you stumble around the gym trying to figure out how to use the weight machines. That's why I started this business, to help those that hate the gym still achieve their goals all the while being in the comfort of their own home.

I started with using Tae-Bo tapes. Man, whatta great workout! Then progressed to DVDs geared more towards strength training. A set of resistance bands, 5 and 8 lb weights, and gravity- that's all I had and it's all it took.

It's not as hard as you think to get started. You just need to find something you enjoy doing. I'm not saying you never need to go to a gym, because eventually you may want to for a change or to mix things up, or you may find the weights you have become too easy. What I'm saying is...you don't have to start there!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Brittany, that was really inspirational. You make this choice of a healthy lifestyle a wonderful journey. It is so fun and rewarding to work out with you. I am so happy you helping me feel young again. I am so proud of you.
