Sunday, March 1

Short on time? Have a Quickie!

Alright get your mind outta the gutter; I'm talking about a workout!!

I already spoke about how important it is to make the time for your health and fitness, and that if you don't, you'll be forced to take the time for illness. Well, today I want to explain that it doesn't mean you have to take a LOT of time.

Yesterday I had lots going on so I only had about a 25 minute window to do my workout. Some people would skip the workout because they think it's not enough time. Well, I made use of every second and am feeling it today! The trick to a quick workout? Don't not take long rests between sets or exercises.

Usually when you're strength training you want about 30 seconds to a minute and a half between each set and exercise. When you're short on time, switching between exercises without rest, and/or taking very little rest between sets, will still give you the burn and will also increase your heart rate, giving you the benefits of a cardiovascular workout as well!

You need to be careful when exercising this way because you don't want to overdo it and hurt yourself. You should use lighter weights so that you don't put too much stress on the muscle, but still achieve the overloading affect you need for improvement.

Yesterday was a lower body workout for me so I incorporated many exercises that only involved my body weight, as well as single leg exercises to train each leg individually- allowing one to rest while the other worked.

Hiring a trainer will help you learn how to fit exercise into your busy schedule safely and effectively.

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